Many Petals. One Lotus. Laughing Rivers Sangha will again participate in this year's Vesak, the Celebration of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and parinirvana (death). This annual event, which unites all Buddhist traditions in the Greater Pittsburgh area, is truly wonderful. Around the world, Vesak is celebrated during the spring period, most often tied to the first full moon in May. Pittsburgh's celebration is a bit early this year as several of our local monastics will be away in May. Laughing Rivers will offer our song We Are All One as part of the joint Ceremony, which will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church in North Side. A festive procession follows the in-church program, carrying the Buddha and blessed water to the Allegheny Landing where the participants' intentions for Peace are added to the Three Rivers. Light refreshments follow. More information can be found at the Buddhist Society of Pittsburgh. Comments are closed.