Every Lunar New Year, Thich Nhat Hanh would help his students ground themselves in their practice by offering a couplet of gathas for the next 12 months. These gathas have become known as the Parallel Verses. This wonderful practice - like all of Thay's teachings - continues in 2023. We are all continuing Thay in the world.
The 2023 Parallel Verses are particularly rich, especially in these times of many crises across the planet from climate destruction to war and political division. We can find Peace, and Be Peace, in every step. Even in the face of much suffering, both personal and societal, we can find Freedom and offer Freedom, with just our smile. We are free to choose which seeds we water -seeds of despair and pain, or seeds of joy and gratitude. We stop, breathe in, and recognize all the gifts we have already in our lives. We already have all we need to be happy. May we choose Peace and choose Freedom, in every moment. To download a wallpaper image of these verses, click here, and then right-click to "Save Image". Enjoy ! _(())_ Comments are closed.