Thank you for considering a donation to our sangha. We offer the Dharma freely on Tues evenings with no requirement or expectation of donation. We do pay for space rental, costs to maintain our library and a retreat scholarship fund, so all dana is very helpful.
Dana can be given on Tuesday's, but can also be made in other ways. Several sangha members prefer making regular monthly contributions through automatic payments. Some provide larger one-time Annual Gifts. You can use the online bill payment function at your financial institution, or simply send a check. For details, please send complete the contact form on the right. Thanks! To donate by PayPal or credit card, please use the Donate button below. |
Tax Information Statement
Q. Can the sangha provide me a donations (dana) receipt for tax purposes?
A. Laughing Rivers Sangha is not a registered 501 © 3 non-profit with the Internal Revenue Service, but does qualify as tax Exempt, as a religious organization, under the IRS Publication 1828 (11-2009), Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations. As stated in the Substantiation Rules within that document:
A donor cannot claim a tax deduction for any single contribution of $250 or more unless the donor obtains a contemporaneous, written acknowledgment of the contribution from the recipient church or religious organization. A church or religious organization that does not acknowledge a contribution incurs no penalty; but without a written acknowledgment, the donor cannot claim a tax deduction. Although it is a donor’s responsibility to obtain a written acknowledgment, a church or religious organization can assist the donor by providing a timely, written statement.
Upon request, the Finance Committee of Laughing Rivers Sangha can provide you a year-end receipt for Annual Gifts and/or regular monthly deposits (via automatic deposit).
A. Laughing Rivers Sangha is not a registered 501 © 3 non-profit with the Internal Revenue Service, but does qualify as tax Exempt, as a religious organization, under the IRS Publication 1828 (11-2009), Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations. As stated in the Substantiation Rules within that document:
A donor cannot claim a tax deduction for any single contribution of $250 or more unless the donor obtains a contemporaneous, written acknowledgment of the contribution from the recipient church or religious organization. A church or religious organization that does not acknowledge a contribution incurs no penalty; but without a written acknowledgment, the donor cannot claim a tax deduction. Although it is a donor’s responsibility to obtain a written acknowledgment, a church or religious organization can assist the donor by providing a timely, written statement.
Upon request, the Finance Committee of Laughing Rivers Sangha can provide you a year-end receipt for Annual Gifts and/or regular monthly deposits (via automatic deposit).