Awakening Together - Cultivating the Strength to Love
4-Day Mindfulness Retreat in the Tradition
of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
With Dharma Teachers Chu Chan Huy,
and Terry Cortes-Vega
Thursday, October 19 (5 PM) - Sunday, October 22 (through lunch)
Kearns Spirituality Center, 9000 Babcock Boulevard
Allison Park, Pennsylvania 15101
Martin Luther King taught that “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Thich Nhat Hanh observed, “When we practice being mindful together, the collective energy of mindfulness is much more powerful than when we practice alone, and it will penetrate each of us. We will be healed and nourished by the collective energy.” Please join us for a silent retreat and allow the power of a beloved community to ease your heart and strengthen your capacity to serve as a candle in these divisive times.
On this retreat we will practice coming back to the present moment in order to experience and share the preciousness of our lives and our communities. We will strengthen and invigorate ourselves with silence, conscious breathing, meditation, mindful movement, deep relaxation and joyful togetherness. Daily talks by accomplished dharma teachers will enrich our understanding and provide opportunities to explore questions about our personal journeys. As we begin to relax, embrace, understand, and transform our suffering with collective energy, we are able offer more love and compassion to our families, friends and turbulent society.
For more information about our Dharma teachers, please click here
COST: $285 for the full weekend retreat, per person (meals included), for a double occupancy room. NEW - Additional
Options available; check online Registration link below.
or $325 for the full weekend retreat, per person (meals included), for a single occupancy rooms. NEW - Additional
Options available; check online Registration link below
NOTE: We have a limited number of single rooms, and those with handicaps will be offered first choice. Financial assistance is also limited, but available. If you wish to attend, but need some financial assistance, complete one of the Registration forms below, but do not submit payment then until you contact us.
Our Dharma teachers follow a long tradition of offering the Buddha’s teachings without charge, as these teachings are priceless. As part of this tradition those receiving the teachings support the teacher. Your registration costs help cover their travel expenses, but do not include any other support for our teachers. Please consider making a donation at the retreat according to your means and the value you feel you have received. Suggested Dana is $15-20 per day, or $80 for the retreat. Cash or checks can be taken at the retreat.
Registration Deadline is October 10th.
Online Registration for Double Occupancy Rooms ($285): Click Here 3-Days/2 Nights $250 2-Days/1 Night $130
Online Registration for Single Occupancy Rooms ($325): Click Here 3-Days/2 Nights $290 2-Days/1 Night $140
note: Registration is not completed until payment has been received.
Payment can be sent either by mailing a check or through PayPal or credit card. Instructions are provided for both of these payment methods, after you complete the registration form. Another Dana opportunity is to include additional funds in your registration payment ear-marked for Scholarship assistance for others to attend.
If you have questions concerning registering, please contact Jennifer Whiteside: [email protected]
- Comfortable, loose fitting clothing; no shorts or tank tops, please!
- Cushion and/or mat for sitting (chairs will also be available)
- Yoga mat or blanket for deep relaxation meditation
- Umbrella, if necessary, for outdoor walking meditation
- Linens and towels are provided
- A reusable tea or coffee cup
- Your favorite cloth kitchen napkin for use at meals to help reduce waste
COST: $285 for the full weekend retreat, per person (meals included), for a double occupancy room. NEW - Additional
Options available; check online Registration link below.
or $325 for the full weekend retreat, per person (meals included), for a single occupancy rooms. NEW - Additional
Options available; check online Registration link below
NOTE: We have a limited number of single rooms, and those with handicaps will be offered first choice. Financial assistance is also limited, but available. If you wish to attend, but need some financial assistance, complete one of the Registration forms below, but do not submit payment then until you contact us.
Our Dharma teachers follow a long tradition of offering the Buddha’s teachings without charge, as these teachings are priceless. As part of this tradition those receiving the teachings support the teacher. Your registration costs help cover their travel expenses, but do not include any other support for our teachers. Please consider making a donation at the retreat according to your means and the value you feel you have received. Suggested Dana is $15-20 per day, or $80 for the retreat. Cash or checks can be taken at the retreat.
Registration Deadline is October 10th.
Online Registration for Double Occupancy Rooms ($285): Click Here 3-Days/2 Nights $250 2-Days/1 Night $130
Online Registration for Single Occupancy Rooms ($325): Click Here 3-Days/2 Nights $290 2-Days/1 Night $140
note: Registration is not completed until payment has been received.
Payment can be sent either by mailing a check or through PayPal or credit card. Instructions are provided for both of these payment methods, after you complete the registration form. Another Dana opportunity is to include additional funds in your registration payment ear-marked for Scholarship assistance for others to attend.
If you have questions concerning registering, please contact Jennifer Whiteside: [email protected]